Merging 3D assets

Merging 3D assets allows you to bring to your project all or only selected items from an asset file. It is very useful when you change the 3D assets outside of Kanzi Studio and want to take the changes into use in your project. Additionally, merging allows you to update only specific properties. For example, if you plan to edit object transformations in Kanzi Studio, you can discard the transformation properties when merging assets with your project.

When you want to bring the 3D assets created with a third-party tool to Kanzi Studio you have to import or merge the assets. You can import or merge 3D assets in these formats:

Different exporters in third-party tools handle content differently. For example, if you cannot get the expected result using .fbx, try using .dae.

In Kanzi Studio you can also merge entire projects. See Merging projects.

If you want to import the assets you created with third-party tools, use Kanzi Studio importing tools. See Importing.

Merging 3D assets

To merge 3D assets:

  1. Select File > Import > Merge 3D Asset File, select the file you want to merge (source) to the currently open project (target), and click Open.
    Asset Merge window opens.
  2. In the Asset Merge window set:
  3. Select the checkboxes next to the items you want to merge from the source to target. Depending on the existence of the selected item in the target project, the name of the item is written using:
  4. Resolve conflicts. When your target and source both contain the same item and properties of this item differ, you have to decide which properties you want to keep: Once you have resolved all the conflicts, the font color of the item name in the source tree changes to green.
  5. Click Merge.
    Kanzi Studio merges the source with the target by placing the content of source into the corresponding places of the target.

See also

Preparing 3D assets in third-party tools

Importing 3D assets

Merging projects